

Our CSR Initiative

EmpowerHer Tech: Stechad High School Girls IT Initiative.

The Crisis: A Shocking Gender Gap in Tech

An alarming gender gap looms over the tech industry. Can you believe it? Only 26.7% of the people in the Tech Industry are women. 


Imagine a world bursting with innovation, yet shockingly, only a sprinkle of females are part of it. That’s not so colourful and balanced. As a result, we’re missing out on diverse perspectives needed to rock the tech boat and bring awesome ideas to life!

The Way Forward:

Through our CSR Initiative, We’re evening the playing field by offering Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced IT levels Skills to high school girls across several African Countries. That way, every girl, no matter where she starts, can have access to the skills needed to succeed in Tech. 

We’re throwing them a lifeline with mentorship programs where we give these high school girls access to industry leaders and successful experts. 


The crisis is real, but so is our solution, and you can be a part of it.

Some of the Skills they’ll learn include:


Web Development

Mobile App Development

Graphics Design

UI/UX Design

Cloud Computing

By joining Empower Her Tech, you’re not just fixing a problem – you’re unleashing lifetime potential. Your support will go a long way in giving high school girls the chance to dream big and make those tech dreams a reality.

Reach out to us today at to sponsor this initiative, or offer your support in other ways. We will be happy to hear from you. 

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We specialize in providing businesses with innovative and efficient I.T. solutions to help them stay ahead of the competition.


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